Gerald B Haycock was born 24 Sept 1935 in Escalante, Utah to Spencer Haycock and Gwen Barker Haycock. He graduated from this earth life on 26 October 2022
He married Sylvia Nelson on 21 June 1960 in the Manti Temple. He had four children: Garth (Cami) Jeannine (Dan) Sarah Bill)and Michael. eleven grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren. He was a man of hard work and good deeds. During his college and early married years he served part time for eight years in the National Guard.
He taught junior high school industrial arts for nineteen years and building construction for two years at Salt Lake Community College. He owned Haycock Construction, and was the ward building supervisor when our chapel was built in the early 1960’s.
He was very active in politics. His church callings included everything from primary teacher to high councilman. He served actively in the Sons of Utah Pioneers since 1997 and accomplished much on the national level for the pioneer trails and markers.
He and his wife served 11 years in the Family History Center in Salt Lake City. He spent most of his life doing his family history and was very grateful for his pioneer heritage and the family he came from.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday November 1, 2022 at 949 East 10600 South
Sandy Utah. Viewing from 10:00 to 10:45 A.M. Funeral at 11:00 A.M.Service Information
Viewing November 1, 2022 at 10:00 AM
949 East 10600 South Sandy, Utah
Funeral Service
November 1, 2022 at 11:00 AM
949 East 10600 South Sandy, Utah